A reliably functioning garage door is something that you expect to respond on-demand each time you come and go. To open and close four times daily – the national average – the door, along with its components, must be routinely maintained. That is done by completing monthly safety tests, semi-annual lubrication, and replacing parts as they wear out.
One of the most vital parts that must be replaced after a specific number of cycles, usually 10,000, is the garage door springs. You cannot safely operate the door with a broken garage door spring, and professional replacement is the safest option. But how do you know what type of spring your door has and whether it is broken?
Let’s examine the two types, why they break, and how to identify a broken garage door spring.
Torsion or Extension?
There are two types of springs: torsion and extension. Of the two, torsion springs are preferred for their durability, making them ideal for heavier and double-car garage doors. They also allow for a more controlled operation and are available as high-cycle springs, which feature 20,000 cycles.
Torsion springs are mounted horizontally above the opening and twist during operation. Found on both sides of the door, extension springs fully expand and contract. Both types are under a substantial amount of tension, which is why only a qualified service professional should replace them, typically in pairs.
Why Do They Break?
There are several reasons for a broken garage door spring. The most common of which is that you depleted the number of cycles. Ten thousand cycles are standard, which has a lifespan ranging between three and fourteen years, depending on usage. The number decreases with each operation of the door. Additional reasons for breakage include rust buildup, which can weaken the metal, and accidental damage.
How to Identify a Broken Garage Door Spring?
A non-functioning door is a common sign that there is a problem with the springs or another component. Torsion springs often present with a visible gap while extension springs appear stretched out. The safest way to determine whether your springs are broken is to contact a qualified service professional, like Sun Devil Garage Door, to inspect and diagnose any issues you may be experiencing.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Sun Devil Garage Door offers Phoenicians a wide selection of garage door services such as maintenance, repair, new products, and installation. Our company can also diagnose and repair both minor and significant problems as they arise with your garage door or automatic opener. For your peace-of-mind, more substantial issues, such as broken garage door springs, may be repaired that same day or after regular business hours.
We are further committed to using durable products from trusted manufacturers, such as LiftMaster®, which we stock on our service trucks each morning. Sun Devil Garage Door is also proud to offer an extensive line of new garage doors, automatic openers, and high-cycle torsion springs. #Supportlocal by scheduling a garage door services appointment today at (480) 838-9397.